Highway History (BC): the Garbage Gobbler Trash receptacles like this were once a common sight along British Columbia’s provincial highways, at rest stops and parks. This army of cartoonish monsters were part of a campaign aimed at children to keep the province beautiful and litter free. That...
Merriam’s – $1,000 Charlie Luck Mark Duda Jakes – Under $1,000 Guy Crittenden Douglas Dear
Hunters have been using turkey calls for centuries to lure a gobbler into range be it a bow and arrow or shotgun. The different types of turkey calls available all have different methods for use and of course each will have their pros and cons that the turkey caller must consider when ...
Searching For Gold In Colorado Old Timer Reveals Cat Secret A Fighting Gobbler Everybody Needs A Donkey Digging Can Be Fun! Don't Depend On A Pocket Knife Work Like You Live A Visit To Cat Gorge What Time Is It? Making Top Notch Tops!
The loose red skin attached to the underside of a turkey’s beak is called awattle.When the male turkey is excited, especially during mating season, the wattle turns a scarlet red. The fleshy flap of skin hanging over the gobbler’s beak is called a snood and turns bright red when the...
I got a question as well...I've been wanting a maxxus for a while now but a buddy said his buddy that shoots clays a lot had a sporting model and it would hang every time they shot. Is that common with them with the light liads? mudhen The Boss Gobbler Posts: 968 Location: ...
He spread his wings and tail and neck feathers, after the fashion of a turkey-gobbler. It was a flap or shake of his wings that produced the drumming. I wondered if he intended, by his actions, to frighten me away from his mate's nest. So I went toward him, and got very close ...