aThe Parties shall have fourteen days after the receipt of the Purchaser's comments or the meeting between Purchaser's and Seller's representatives,as the case may be,to agree upon and finalise the Drawings that shall serve as basis guidelines for the Seller to manufacture the Equipment,with a...
Parenthood to me has always felt like a blur, but for the past few months I’ve noticed that my son and daughter not only get along, but seem to genuinely like each other. They generally go to sleep, brush their teeth, and do their homework (and let me help) with very little fussi...
The owners now offer to sell it for $200,000, but it will be a long time, I fancy, before a purchaser is found. The Mormon, who took me over the Temple, and gave me the above information, was nearly broken hearted. Like the majority of his brethren, remaining in the city, he ...
Emmy, when she went away from Brompton, endowed Mary with every article of furniture that the house contained, only taking away her pictures (the two pictures over the bed) and her piano— that little old piano which had now passed into a plaintive jingling old age, but which she loved ...