Distributed by Universal Pictures, the series was established with the 2001 film titled The Fast and the Furious; this was followed by six sequels, two short films that tie into the series, and as of May 2015, it has become Universal's biggest franchise of all time. Releas...
I also finally tackled the Metra Blazer from Lovenotions in some pinstriped ponte, that came out very nice and also made a matching skirt. No pictures yet, but i will post some later.. Tanja Nähen, Perfume, Sewing 4 Comments April 4, 2022 1 Minute Weekly diary Perfume theme of t...
Here is some pictures of my 'Good Day' on January 2nd. I have been wanting to find this Bench mark (EF0602) for about a year now. Thanks to a newly published cache on that day, near by about 2 miles down the road. Gave me a good reason to come by this area. The...
677 words for the ten years, but for the last five the average has increased to 2,136 and this one is over 3,000 (sorry!), which discourages most viewers from reading the entire post – even with the pictures scattered through the narrative. But this trend, probably won’t change sinc...
Just saw the pictures you made of Trainer Rocks. Don't know how I missed them. Like many others from the West End I spent hours there---my sister lived in Trainer, just across the road from Buckman airport. I remember an old abandoned plant, close to where the water ran under Ridge...
I most often take you downNew Journeys on Old Roads, but in April, you can ride with me along someNew RoadsI’ve never traveled. We can stop and dip our toe in the Atlantic along Florida’s beaches, breathe in the salty magic of the ocean, ponder the history of the struggles of a...
The Dark Pictures: Little Hope 2020-12-22 The Sims 2: Apartment Life 2020-12-22 Anettai Maji-SKA Bakudan featuring MAKI 2020-12-15 Burly Men at Sea 2020-12-15 Cyber beatnation 1st conclusion 2020-12-15 Future Landing -tribute to simon- 2020-12-15 ...
No. 3: "Dirt Road Anthem" Aldean's "Dirt Road Anthem" had a secret advantage before he released it as the third single fromMy Kinda Party:SongwriterBrantley Gilberthad already made it an underground hit, which made trusting that the masses would embrace his rap delivery a bit easier. Still...
No. 3: "Dirt Road Anthem" Aldean's "Dirt Road Anthem" had a secret advantage before he released it as the third single fromMy Kinda Party:SongwriterBrantley Gilberthad already made it an underground hit, which made trusting that the masses would embrace his rap delivery a bit easier. Still...
this is a horrible dirty part of town.. advertising everywhere, facades covered any glimpse of the buildings. Dirt and filth, poorly designed traffic system, scooters blocking pavements force pedestrians into dangerous roads. Constant harassment from scooter sellers shoving dirty pictures into your face...