Curiously, one of tbe few his- toric fmm$s that can wear the Ulysses mantle with any grace is the hunched back of little George Dawson. Dawson, stunted and crippled in youth by what was probably polio, was a geologist-adventurer who, as much as anyone, laid the foundation for Canada's...
Hunched-over shoulders bent from the wings, In singing cut, into baked-over flame He let his soul go like a swan. Fall then, O fall then, copper heavy! Wings are ordained correctly: To fly! Lips, that have shouted the word: Respond! - They know, that this is not there - to die...
“Lemon.” (The copy went on to explain, briefly, that this particular car had failed Volkswagen’s exhaustive testing before release into the market.) My particular favorite was a full page picture of a cat’s face looking right at us in theNew York Times.The headline? “I found out a...