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byEllenonNovember 4, 2024 ThePortsoy Rowing Clubhosted a Quiz night fundraiser. Located at theSalmon Bothybuilt in 1834 near the harbor. There was a boat load of raffle prizes, (‘boat load’…get it?) Small Town life has advantages when it comes to this type of event. Almost everyone ...
April 7, 2024 We lost Husband’s mom on Thursday. She was 98 years old and pretty much sharp right until the last few days of her life. She drove a car until the past couple of years and lived alone until the last few months. She was a classy lady–always dressed to the nines ...
The friends discover they have a pest problem—and we don't mean Sophia's nagging. Luckily for them, the need to get out of the house for the weekend coincides with Blanche winning raffle tickets to the premiere of Burt Reynolds' new film—and a VIP after-party featuring the star himself...
Advertisement Women made tamales and tostadas for the workers, according to a booklet detailing the mission’s history, written in 1969 by Father Anthony Z. Marigo, the church’s first full-time priest. Children sold raffle tickets to buy cement for the foundation. And in 1917, when Our Lady...