That Was the Week That Waswas an acclaimed but short-lived satiric show in England then again in America. The British version went on the air in November of 1962 and went off at the end of ’63. One of its last episodes was among its most memorable: A shortened episode that paid trib...
The Futuristic Vision: A Clockwork Orange was adapted from Anthony Burgess's 1962 novel of the same name. Stanley Kubrick's British dystopian crime movie follows Alex (Malcolm McDowell), a young sociopath convicted of rape and murder. While he is in prison, in order to get his sentence...
Steve Poole's Favourite TV Shows created 12 years ago513 titles TV created 5 years ago461 titles TV created 7 years ago79 titles British TV & Films 1953 Not Yet Released On DVD Region 2 created 12 years ago54 titles British Comedy's created 8 years ago328 titles List IMDb's 2025 TV ...
Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Film, TV & Theatre The 25 Best Black TV Shows of All Time The 40 Most Anticipated TV Shows of 2025 Pamela Anderson On Being Her Own Stylist How Margaret Qualley Chose Her Golden Globes Look Advertisement - Continue Reading Below...
Also ranks #1 on The Best American Versions of British Shows Also ranks #1 on The Best Improv TV Shows, Ranked Also ranks #2 on The Best TV Comedies Of 2024, Ranked Will i like it? IS IT WATCHWORTHY? featured free 13 Gargoyles Keith David, Salli Richardson-Whitfield, Jeff Bennett 21...
Variety Shows That Was the Week That Waswas an acclaimed but short-lived satiric show in England then again in America. The British version went on the air in November of 1962 and went off at the end of ’63. One of its last episodes was among its most memorable: A shortened episode ...
I’ve found this to be a most striking feature of the film as well, but I always thought it very effective in giving the film, and the characters, more scope than the average uniform, by-the-book comedy, thriller, horror film, drama, etc. A bit like real life, no? Anyway, I’ve...
These three Westerns are distinctly different from each other but provide interesting and entertaining variations of the western and of L’Amours work, from the light comedy of Catlow, to the epic scope of The Sacketts and the intimacy of Conagher. These would be highly recommended to those int...
“I went into comedy because of my love for Mel Brooks. This project is the dream of a lifetime,” the Hollywood writer-director-producer said in a statement.Brooks’ career began with Sid Caesar’s Your Show of Shows where he worked alongside the late Carl Reiner, Neil Simon, and ...
White, R. (2014) ‘Funny Old Girls: Representing Older Women in British Television Comedy’, in Whelehan, I. and Gwynne, J. (eds), Ageing, Popular Culture and Contemporary Feminism: Harleys and Hormones (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 155–172....