Rowling's magical book series, the Harry Potter films follow the enchanting journey of young wizard Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) and his adventures in the wizarding world. With engaging characters and an immersive plot, these movies are perfect for tweens and young fantasy enthusia...
Get a reference book of songs or rags (some are listed on my Books on Ragtime page). These contain titles, composers, recordings, and occasionally the current publishers of pieces and folios. Visit your parents or grandparents, or friends thereof, more often. Offer to inventory or clean their...
In short, old-time piano is inclusive of Piano Rags, and broadens to include similar forms of music, primarily popular song, that are from the Ragtime era. The focus of this page is on the playing of instrumental Piano Ragtime music forms. However, most of what is below can easily be ...
Her second husband is an activist and head of the Urban Studies department at Queens College; he also, she brags, played a major role in the publication of the Pentagon papers. “My sons will not read it, and that’s okay; they’re entitled,” Heyman says about her book. “They ...
The Edgewood Peabodys never had a mite o’ stiffenin’ in ’em,- -limp as dishrags, every blessed one! Nancy Wentworth fairly rustles with starch. Justin hadn’t been engaged to her but a few hours when they walked up the aisle together, but did you notice the way he carried his ...
题目Christmas was coming.There was a man in rags(衣衫褴褛) walking in a hurry on the road.You might think he was a beggar(乞讨者),but actually he was an artist.His name was Vincent Willem Van Gogh.With a painting he had just finished,the poor Vincent entered...
In line with being honest is also the ability to show one's weaknesses. According to the Book of Life,"The ideal friend doesn't try to prove how powerful and successful they are; on the contrary,quite often they let us know awkward and potentially embarrassing things about themselves. They...
are highly valued.” Catherine, an American woman, said, “I’ve even received a note of thanks from a gentleman named Esteban. He was especially thankful to have a “friend” on a cold night: ‘Thank you for this wonderful gift of a book. It’s an excellent friend on this cold and...
Honor, grace, and duty are the driving forces behind Bryce Coleman’s approach to life, even as he strives to survive in war-torn France. Severely wounded, he’s left by his comrade in the cellar of a woman who clearly wants nothing to do with him. When she pleads with him for her...
The White House’s Mr. White emphasized that there is absolutely no chaos within the home, as “the failingOak Hill Gazetteand other liberal rags claim in their fake news.” White went on to say, for no apparent reason, that “I know words. I have the best words.” He added that he...