Quality of life among senior citizens residing at homes and old age homes of Pune cityPravin DaniNilima Bhore
Although generational co-residence continues to be the dominant form of housing and care for Indian elders and only 1% live in old-age homes, the numbers and types of these homes are growing. This article describes a recent study of 48 old-age homes in different parts of India, approximately...
The women gave birth to 4130 live-born infants who were weighed and measured by study staff within women’s homes soon after birth. Infants were followed through 6 mo of age to monitor morbidity and mortality. Follow-up assessments In 2006, children born during the antenatal micronutrient ...
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Trying to find a balance between my need to communicate, my obsession with being in control, and my desire to get over my writer's block (and my dream to be the new kid (aka old lady) on the "writing block"). Yeah, yeah, I do sarcastic comedy on the side! :D...
Effectiveness of deep breathing exercise on level of stress among elderly in selected old–age homes of Pune cityMr. Ravindra balasaheb Vikhe
in the literature by comprehensively assessing factors like anxiety, feeling of security, and desire for longevity aiming to inform interventions for better support systems in old-age homes.#Methodologically, a cross-sectional design was employed involving 100 elder populations in Pune City, Maharashtra...