An 18.5-month-old girl with watery diarrhea and poor weight gain An 18.5-month-old girl was seen in the pediatric gastroenterology clinic of this hospital because of watery diarrhea and poor weight gain. The child had been healthy until 12 months of age, when chronic watery diarrhea developed...
Old-age inflammatory bowel disease onset: a different problem? World J Gastroenterol. 2011; 17 :2734–2739.Val, JH (2011) Old-age inflammatory bowel disease onset: a different problem?. World J Gastroenterol: WJG 17: pp. 2734-9del Val JH (2011) Old-age inflammatory bowel disease onset:...
1 Testing should be performed in patients with 3 or more loose bowel movements per day by using a 2-step algorithm that detects the presence of the bacterium and toxin.2 A 2-step test is preferred given high colonization rates, particularly in patients with IBD.1 Initiating antidiarrheal ...
The patient’s advanced age, recent orthopedic procedure, and perioperative administration of opioid medication place her at elevated risk for ACPO,1,2 which is the most probable cause of her distention and pain. In addition, amlodipine has been associated with decreased gut motility. Bowel sounds...
“All-Bran makes no claim to be a ‘cure-all,’” this ad modestly admits. But it will cure your fatigue, your skin and your personality. The boys will soon be ringing you up, eager to take out the gal who has dependable bowel movements. ...
bowel movements (diarrhea and/or constipation) vomiting, fevers, infections hearing or vision problems sleep issues rashes weigh gain and/or loss. □ Sign up for a baby first-aid course and encourage others who care for your baby to attend along with you. If you’re unsure where to find ...
12 months ago, Denise developed ‘palpitations’ with breathlessness, but nothing new was found on examination and repeat testing. She was next seen in the emergency department with a 3-month history of gradually increasing breathlessness on exercise, 2 weeks of severe breathlessness (worse ...
However, the reason for the decline in organic function in the elderly as they age remains unclear. Therefore, we hypothesized that there might be a subset of cells in an intermediate stage of the cellular senescence process within the tissue, significantly impacting and ultimately leading to ...
and infl ammatory bowel disease (IBD )llJ.D iagnosis of I B D in this age g roup may be dif fi c ult b ecause it can be easil y c on fused with o ther form s o f coliti s.O f parti cular relevanc e is so —caHed se~rnen tal c ofi ti s asso ciated wi出 dj—...
No.AuthorsYearAge and sexClinical presentationImagingUnderlying pathologyTreatment 1 Lee et al. 2015 50/F Lower abdominal pain and distension, bloody stool with a change in her stool caliber CT: Wholly dilated bowel with gas and feces with whirl sign with rotation of the inferior mesenteric vessel...