Olanzapine is available as oral tablets, orally disintegrating tablets, or an injection that is given into a muscle (intramuscular [IM]). The olanzapine IM preparation is only for acute agitation associated with schizophrenia and bipolar I mania in adults. ...
Oral:Initial dose: 5 mg orally per day In combination with fluoxetine: Initial dose: 2.5 to 5 mg orally per day Dose escalation should be performed with cautionParenteral: Immediate-release IM: Initial dose: 2.5 mg IM Extended-release IM suspension: Initial dose: 150 mg IM every 4 weeks...
Olanzapine versus haloperidol in transitioning from intramuscular (IM) to oral therapydoi:10.1016/S0924-977X(01)80356-4P. WrightK.M. MeehanM. BirkettS.R. DavidA. BreierElsevier B.V.European Neuropsychopharmacology
Olanzapina LactaM IMPureza; Olanzapine LactaM IMpureté; 올란자핀 락타M 불순물; オランザピン ラクタム不純物; (3Z)-1,3-Dihydro-4-(4-Methyl-1-piperazinyl)-3-(2-oxopropylidene)-2H-1,5-benzodiazepin-2-one; 2H-1,5-Benzodiazepin-2-one, 3-[(1Z)-2-hydroxy-1-propen...
Bergstrom, R, Mitchell, M, Jewell, H (1999) Examination of the safety, tolerance, and pharmacokinetics of intramuscular (IM) olanzapine compared to oral olanzapine in healthy subjects. Schizophr Res 36: pp. 305-6Bergstrom RF, Mitchell M, Jewell H, Richards J, Hatcher ...
Analysis of randomized clinical trials with oral and intramuscular (IM) olanzapine in bipolar-affective disorders based on EBM criteria and therapeutic effect calculation - Schizophrenia Researchdoi:10.1016/S0920-9964(03)80449-8J.CzekallaandU.
Oral formulations: Very common (10% or more): Weight gain/increased weight greater than/equal to 7% of baseline body weight (up to 89.4%), fasting borderline to high triglycerides (up to 59.5%), fasting borderline to high total cholesterol (up to 38.9%), increased appetite (up to 29%)...
Cardiac conduction in females and males under intramuscular (IM) and oral olanzapine from schizophrenia clinical trials ECGsdoi:10.1016/S0924-977X(02)80415-1J.CzekallaandC.BeasleyJr.andS.DavidandSDOSEuropean Neuropsychopharmacology
In addition to stabilization, in situ amorphization techniques offer the possibility to discard the production of amorphous solid dispersions prior to the manufacture of oral dosage forms, thus resulting in manufacturing savings and reduced logistic restrictions. Examples of investigations on in situ co-...