Olam Food Ingredients is now known asofi. Focused on the raw materials and ingredient platforms that we're known for globally - cocoa, coffee, dairy, nuts, and spices. We still offer everything we did before. What’s new is that we’re adding capabilities - especially in product developmen...
天眼查 ofi Olam Food Ingredients ofi 咖啡 饮料 固体饮料 食品饮料 其他饮料 所属公司:Olam Food Ingredients 成立日期:2021-01-01 所属地:美国 简介:Olam Food Ingredients 是可可和咖啡产品的主要供应商,其中包括可可豆和可可成分、罗布斯塔和阿拉比卡咖啡以及喷雾和冻干速溶咖啡。
Olam Food Ingredients (OFI) said its spices business is entering into a strategic partnership with Agri-Neo to provide the industry’s first organically pasteurized dried onions. The partnership combines OFI’s market leadership in dried onions and Agri-Neo’s pasteurization technology, Neo-Pure™....
olam food ingredients (“ofi”), a global leader in naturally good food & beverage ingredients, hopes to learn which varieties deliver the highest levels of bioactives. ofi’s innovation team working at ingredient excellence centers in Fresno, Calif., and Vietnam hope to...
Olam Food Ingredients (OFI) 以 1.5 亿加元(约合 1.165 亿美元)完成了对 Club Coffee 的收购。据称,Club Coffee 是加拿大最大的家庭咖啡烘焙商和包装解决方案提供商之一。该公司通过其在多伦多的工厂为自有品牌客户和零售品牌提供服务。此次收购是 OFI 战略“通过多样化的渠道组合向全球客户提供可持续、天然、增值...
Olam food ingredients(Cocoa Compass 项目) 来自新加坡的食品原料企业Olam food ingredients(Ofi)凭借其Cocoa Compass 项目获奖。Cocoa Compass项目建立在Olam与客户、政府、非政府组织和农业社区合作取得的15年可持续发展进展的基础上,符合Olam International重新构想全球农业和食品系统的目标。
Olam Food Ingredients, the new operating group created after the reorganisation within Olam International Limited earlier this year, is expanding its spices portfolio to meet the rising demand for bold, authentic flavours with the acquisition of one of the world’s leading suppliers of premium...
Olam Food Ingredients (OFI), a global player in natural and sustainable ingredients and solutions, has announced that its spices business is entering into a strategic partnership with Agri-Neo to provide the industry’s first organically pasteurized dried onions. The partnership combines OFI’s market...
咖啡金融网(www.coffinance.com)消息,Olam Food Ingredients(ofi)将进行对加拿大最大的咖啡烘焙商之一的Coffee Club的收购投资。据悉收购总额高达1.5亿加元(约合1.17亿美元),预计交易将于2022年二季度完成,目前还在等待监管部门的批准。 据悉,Coffee Club成立于1906年,总部位于加拿大多伦多,旗下拥有Club Coffee Craft ...
About Olam Food Ingredients Olam Food Ingredients (OFI) is a new operating group born out of Olam International. OFI offers sustainable, natural, value-added food products and ingredients so that consumers can enjoy the healthy and indulgent products they love. It consists of Olam...