In the volume trade, 1.15 crore equity shares were traded on the BSE and 9 crore shares changed hands on the NSE during the day. The 30-share BSE Sensex tumbled 638.45 points or 0.78 per cent to settle at 81,050, while NSE Nifty slumped 218.85 poi...
Fintech company MobiKwik debuted on the stock market, registering successful listings on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE) on December 18, 2024, as perreports. Its shares opened at Rs 442.25 on the BSE, totalling a premium of 58.5% from itsissue priceof...
Beijing reportedly prefers keeping TikTok under ByteDance but acknowledges that growing scrutiny over data practices might force a sale. Options include competitive bidding or a government-mandated sale process though discussions on these are still preliminary. China’s “golden share” in ByteDance which...