reduction in the number of service desk calls related to password resets 50% increase in the number of franchisees that are accessing the system "Okta was by far the most functional solution that we could give our franchisees, and it also enabled us to provide other access that we hadn’t...
After you complete the security remediation steps, if you still can't access your app, contact your organization's help desk for assistance. Messages in the sign-in window The remediation steps in the following tables depend on your device operating system version. For details, see the documenta...
{"id":"JBCUYUC7IRCVGS27IFCE2SKO","label":"Help Desk administrator","type":"HELP_DESK_ADMIN","status":"ACTIVE","created":"2019-02-06T16:17:40.000Z","lastUpdated":"2019-02-06T16:17:40.000Z","assignmentType":"USER"},{"id":"ra125eqBFpETrMwu80g4","label":"Organization ...
Protect.Don't hold the door open for strangers, and lock down screens when you walk away from your desk. Don’t discard sensitive information in places where it could be easily recovered. Usemultifactor authenticationon any sensitive applications. Run quarterly training on Social Engineering and ...
Randall's realm of expertise include Python, JavaScript, and Go development, web security, cryptography, and infrastructure security. Randall has been writing software for ~20 years and has built some of the most-used API services on the internet. ...