Voter Registration Until 1971, Choctaws were not allowed to elect their own tribal leaders. The President of the United States appointed chiefs. After the ratification of theIndian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act in 1975, Choctaws were allowed to have their owntribal constitutionto gov...
When a voting poll volunteer finds a name on the registration list and hands over a ballot for the presidential race this November, thank Joy Harris.Brus, Brian
Oklahoma voters continue to turn away from the Democratic Party and toward Independent and Republican status, according to registration figures from the Oklahoma State Election Board.Carter, M Scott
Friday Deadline for Voter Registration in OklahomaOklahoma voters have until Friday to register to vote to cast aballot in the June 24 primary...Carter, M Scott
Commentary: Gavel to Gavel: Friday Is Voter Registration Deadline in OklahomaUnless you've just recently been rescued off a desert island or have come out of a yearlong coma, you're aware that there is an important national election coming up on Nov. 4.Hamby, Mark...