An unemployment benefits applicant who has lost work through layoffs or a reduction in force meets the first requirement of losing a job through no fault of their own. However, if firing took place, their ability to receive compensation hinges on the reason for their termination. An employee wh...
COVID-19 has changed the employment landscape for years to come in Oklahoma and around the world. In March 2020, the number of unemployed people surged seemingly overnight. Traditionally, employers pay into unemployment insurance (UI), which is usually unavailable for self-employed workers, but t...
The site considered average income, median rent prices, unemployment rates, opportunities for social activity and more in their analysis of the country’s top cities. Critical minerals company coming to Stillwater Janice Francis-Smith // Wednesday, June 22, 2022 The company spearheading U.S. produ...
Management Job motivation and satisfaction levels of mid -level supervisors in the unemployment insurance division of the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY Brian A. Sandford SheltonRalph DavidScope and method of study. A descriptive study of a census population of 45 Mid-...
A descriptive study of a census population of 45 Mid-Level Supervisors in the Unemployment Insurance Division (UI) of the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission (OESC) to determine levels of job satisfaction, personality types, and learning strategies in order to determine if best management ...