Gateway Land Services is an Oklahoma based company, specializing in quality title research, seismic permitting, and oil and gas leasing.
5:19-cv-00600, 2021 WL 1026526 (W.D. Okla. Mar. 17, 2021), the plaintiff was the owner of mineral interests under a section of land in Stephens County, Oklahoma, which were leased to Heritage Resources-NonOp, LLC (Heritage) pursuant to various oil and gas leases. Under the terms ...
OWNERSHIPOFOILANDGAS Beforeexaminingthelawgoverningoilandgasleases,itishelpfultodiscussthebasicprinciplesildhiUdOklhlthfttflddthld,foilandgasownershipUnderOklahomalaw,theownerofatractoflanddoesnotholdanwnershiinterestintheoilorasnderhislandntilthosesbstancesareextractedtotheownershipinterestintheoilorgasunderhislanduntil...
White Sail Energy is an Edmond, Oklahoma based oil and gas company providing oil and gas brokerage services to the energy industry throughout the Mid-Continent region.
Calvert Law Firm has successfully tried and resolved major cases involving trucking accidents, medical malpractice, fraud, securities, business disputes, breach of fiduciary duty, personal injury, oil and gas, royalty owner rights, insurance coverage, insurance bad faith, accounting malpractice, attorney...
Oil & Gas/ Real Estate Law Our firm is experienced in negotiating oil & gas leases and in assisting clients with all types of real estate transactions. Learn More Medicaid Planning Our legal team can you navigate the complex Medicaid planning process and protect against the costs of nursing hom...
Oklahoma is an energy dream, from oil and gas to wind and solar, we have it all! We proudly work with some of the nation's leading energy companies and have mastered the ins-and-outs of dealing with the necessary leases, sub-stations and even the ever-pressing matters as they relate ...
Sedona Energy, LLC is an Oklahoma Energy company focused on Oklahoma Oil and Gas interests. We work with individuals and companies to secure mutually-beneficial transactions. Need more details? Please contact us at The Sedona family is dedicated to serving Oklahoma mineral...
The previous day, he'd been indicted by a federal grand jury for conspiring in a bid rigging scheme in the purchase of oil and natural gas leases. McClendon was traveling an estimated 88 mph and wasn't wearing a seat belt, but friends and local officials insisted that his death wasn't...
While Oklahoma isn't the most solar-friendly state, there are important federal solar tax incentives that residents can take advantage of in the Sooner State.