Closed to non-resident hunting February 1-15. Snipe, Woodcock, Waterfowl, Crane, Rail, Gallinule, Rabbit, Squirrel, Pursuit with hounds for Furbearers, Predator/Furbearer Calling: Closed during the first nine days of deer gun season. Trapping: Open to water sets, live box traps and enclosed...
Nestled along the Red River in Oklahoma, Burks Whitetails is a family owned and operated deer hunting outfitter. Call us at 214-212-0491.
Carry While Bow Hunting? Can you concealed carry while bow hunting in Oklahoma? Yes. Under the provisions of the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act, a person may carry a firearm on any private or public state lands. This includes, but is not limited to, while hunting, fishing, scouting, and track...
Hunting seasons on the following Department lake areas are the same as statewide seasons, except open only from Sept. 1 through spring turkey season each year: American Horse, Burtschi, Evans Chambers, Hall, Jap Beaver, Nanih Waiya, Ozzie Cobb, Schooler and Vanderwork. Deer hunting restricted ...