Simply call(405) 521-3160or in-state toll free(800) 522-8165, extension 13160and select the option to "Check the status of an income tax refund". By providing your Social Security Number and amount of your refund, the system will provide you with the status of your Oklahome tax refund...
The maximum federal earned income credit is $3,888 for a family with two or more children.At this level, a 5 percent state credit would amount to $194.Toure said that the credit can often reduce qualifying taxpayers' income tax liability to zero, resulting in a refund."The earned income...
(2)wheretaxdisclosedbyreportislessthantaxdisclosedbyOTCexamination §224authorizesjeopardyassessmentsundercertaincircumstances;theyareissuedbyOTCorder,ratherthanasaproposedassessment;orderisappealable OklahomaTaxes Sales Income Withholding MixedBeverage Franchise ...
Thanks in part to the refinery jobs and a good ratio of agriculture-based industries, Unfortunately, the average household income in Ponca City has fallen off to $44k in the last few years-- residents claim its due to the refinery employing more transient contractors now than in previous yea...
TheTennessee UI Recovery Unitwill help a claimant set up a repayment plan when overpayment occurs. If it cannot create a repayment plan for the claimant, it will deduct the money from that person's federal tax refund or garnish their wages. ...
2012 Federal Travel Handbook - Oklahoma FEB:2012联邦旅游手册-奥克拉荷马2月旅游,旅行,手册,奥克拉荷马 文档格式: .pdf 文档大小: 886.56K 文档页数: 48页 顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 论文--毕业论文 文档标签: ...
The Plaintiffs argued that, due to the low threshold (Oklahoma source income of $1,000 or more) for which nonresidents must file returns, virtually all nonresident royalty owners will be required to file returns to gain a refund of the withheld amounts...