You cannot deny that Oklahoma City is usually the first pick destination of most young Oklahomans when they're grown and looking to start a life... but that doesn't make it the best place to live. OKC has limitless entertainment, a district or neighborhood for any and everybody, and opti...
A wide region was swamped from Houston to rural East Texas, where game wardens rode airboats through waist-high waters rescuing both people and pets who did not evacuate in time. One crew brought a family and three dogs aboard as rising waters surrounded their cars and home. Cars are submer...
Alli has been a part time/temporary employee of Evolution Marketing for 8 years, and comes to the rescue on large jobs, and during election years and other busy seasons. Recently, she has learned more about the business and comes in every Friday. Alli specializes in post print mail ...
Heavy rain and hail hampered rescue efforts in Oklahoma City. Frequent lightning roiled the skies well after the main threat had moved east. Highways and streets were clogged late into the night as motorists worked their way around flooded portions of the city. ...