Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy accepting nominations for awards program
Cassidy & Brown Advocacy Service Wanda Cassidy P.O.Box 66 Clayton, OK 74536 (918) 569-7571; (580) 271-2166; (918) 569-7571 (fax) Email: oldokie | at | pisp.net Advocate team for special needs kids. Two for the price of one. Willing to travel to help a child. ...
lynchings and mass murder were the justified responses to perceived encroachment and entitlement. No Black Tulsan man, woman or child was deserving of dignity, as represented in the state’s constitution, yet faith, Christianity, was regarded as the foundation...
119 The pain research community has also long-considered how to address pain inequities by increasing advocacy and enacting policy to increase the reach of relevant findings.16 Providers may also benefit from routine assessment of discrimination and its potential effect on the patient's well-being,...
As chief executive officer for the Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy (OICA) for two decades, her devotion and innovation helped shine the light on children's issues and resulted in monumental changes in the way Oklahoma government treats children.Record, Journal...
Fifty Making a Difference Profile: Anne M. Roberts, Oklahoma Institute for Child AdvocacyMusic has been a large part of Anne M. Roberts' life for as longas she can remember.Roberts,...By Record