Estimate your car insurance cost in Oklahoma Researching average car insurance rates provides a baseline for evaluating your own premium, but your own rates may vary from these averages based on factors like your age, driving record, ZIP code, vehicle type and more. Comparing personalized estimates...
Russ Roach, D-Tulsa, offered a third car tag plan, to be brought forth in case the referendum fails.His proposal would set tags at $50 for vehicles up to 10 years old, including farm tags, which now cost only $30. For cars 11 years of age and older, tag prices would drop to $...
My wife and I were driving from our home in Houston, Texas to Oklahoma City; my wife had business there. It’s roughly a seven-hour trip by car, and we realized around Dallas (roughly the halfway point) that we’d both left stuff behind in Houston — including my prescription medicatio...
In addition, sensors can provide continuous estimate of soil moisture conditions in a nondestructive way at a reasonable cost and usually require little maintenance over their lifetime [13]. Soil moisture sensors include tensiometers, neutron gauges, electromagnetic sensors, electrical resistance sensors,...