J Geophys Res Solid Earth 106:13751–13768. https://doi.org/10.1029/2001JB900010 Article Google Scholar Fujita K, Chiyonobu S, Mizobuchi T, Iryu Y (2011) Discovery and significance of the Chinen Formation from a submarine core drilled off Naha Port, Okinawa-jima, southwestern Japan. J ...
Isetan Department Store is a major landmark in Shinjuku andknown as one of the prime department stores in Japan (if not Asia) in high fashion. With that said, I look forward to the success ofTILLA-EARTH, a jewelry brand from Ishigakijima. Shizuka Taira, the owner of the store, will se...
Article Google Scholar Japan Meteorological Agency (2013). Outline of the operational numerical weather prediction at the Japan Meteorological Agency. Appendix to WMO technical progress report on the Global Data‐Processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS) and Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) research,...
Article Google Scholar Kubota Y, Kimoto K, Tada R, Uchida M, Ikehara K (2019) Millennial-scale variability of East Asian summer monsoon inferred from sea surface salinity in the northern East China Sea (ECS) and its impact on the Japan Sea during marine isotope stage (MIS) 3. Prog Ear...
Note: The electronic version of this book is available free atplay.google.com. The following excerpts are from pages 381-385 and 409. -js Élisée Reclus, edited by A. H. Keane,The Earth and Its inhabitants, Asia: Vol. II, East Asia: Chinese Empire. Corea, and Japan. N.Y., D....
SAVOR JAPAN helps visitors to experience the food and the cuisines that are unique to regions as well as the rural communities that produce these products. SAVOR JAPAN is certified by The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
气体排放(gas vents)广泛分布在海洋环境中,该地质过程可以将碳物质从沉积物转移到海水中[1]。通常来讲,浅表层海相沉积物对于向上运移的气体(主要是甲烷)是一种有效的屏障。该效果体现在物理和化学两个方面:近海底沉积物通常岩性较为均一,垂向渗透率较差,对于下伏游离气体可以形成物理封闭[2-3]。此外,海底附近的...
You can also observe thelast sunset of Japan(on clear days …). And to citeWikiTravelthat offers the following recommendation for “getting out of Yonaguni“: “You’re at the end of the earth now — unless you can score a seat to Taiwan, the only way out is back where you came fro...
本文所使用的海底地形数据主要包括3个来源:(1)973项目多个航次的实测多波束数据;(2)日本海洋研究开发机构(JAMSTEC)公开的冲绳海槽南部热液区海底地形数据;(3)分辨率为15“×15”的GEBCO(General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans)全球海底地形数据。数据(3)主要用于分析冲绳海槽南部及邻区大尺度地形和构造特征。数据...
Transtensional deformation at the junction between the Okinawa trough back-arc basin and the SW Japan island arc Geol. Soc. Lond. Spec. Publ., 227 (1) (2004), pp. 297-312 https://doi.org/10.1144/gsl.sp.2004.227.01.15 Google Scholar Fang et al., 2017 P. Fang, W. Ding, Y. Fang...