OkHttp mockwebserver with fixtures extension. Contribute to koral--/mockwebserverplus development by creating an account on GitHub.
OkSse is an extension library for OkHttp to create a Server-Sent Event (SSE) client Server-sent eventsis a standard describing how servers can initiate data transmission towards clients once an initial client connection has been established. They are commonly used to send message updates or conti...
rxWebSocket is a simple reactive extension of OkHttp Websocket interface with support for Convertor Factories and Interceptors. Usage To Create a WebSocket with no convertors: websocket = new RxWebsocket.Builder() .build("wss://echo.websocket.org"); ...
Change our MockWebServer JUnit 5 extension API to use an annotation on each annotated class. It’s two imports instead of JUnit 4’s single import, but it’s self-contained in the test class. · Issue #8585 · square/okhttp
Description Fix pymdownx.emoji extension warning Repro mkdocs build Warning ❯ mkdocs build INFO - DeprecationWarning: 'materialx.emoji.twemoji' is deprecated. Material emoji logi...
OkSse is an extension library for OkHttp to create a Server-Sent Event (SSE) client Server-sent eventsis a standard describing how servers can initiate data transmission towards clients once an initial client connection has been established. They are commonly used to send message updates or conti...
rxWebSocket is a simple reactive extension of OkHttp Websocket interface with support for Converter Factories and Interceptors. Download Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build fileAdd it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories: ...
rxWebSocket is a simple reactive extension of OkHttp Websocket interface with support for Convertor Factories and Interceptors. - navinilavarasan/rxWebSocket
rxWebSocket is a simple reactive extension of OkHttp Websocket interface with support for Convertor Factories and Interceptors. The library contains only 3 files and is meant to be very simple. Usage To Create a WebSocket with no convertors: websocket = new RxWebsocket.Builder() .build("wss:...
rxWebSocket is a simple reactive extension of OkHttp Websocket interface with support for Convertor Factories and Interceptors. Usage To Create a WebSocket with no convertors: websocket = new RxWebsocket.Builder() .build("wss://echo.websocket.org"); ...