华盛通 最高100.0528 今开97.25 成交量510.41万股 最低96.87 昨收95.81 总市值639.51亿 52周最高117.04 市盈率静18.02 换手率0.79% 52周最低67.505 委比0.00% 总股本6.48亿 历史最高117.04 量比1.26 振幅3.32% 历史最低-13.145 每手1 风险率12.41%
OKE | Complete ONEOK Inc. stock news by MarketWatch. View real-time stock prices and stock quotes for a full financial overview.
What is ONEOK's stock price today? One share of OKE stock can currently be purchased for approximately $65.96. How much money does ONEOK make? ONEOK (NYSE:OKE) has a market capitalization of $29.52 billion and generates $22.39 billion in revenue each year. The utilities provider earns $...