“I am okay with the terms and conditions of the contract.”“Ok, let’s do this!” Okay in Speech and Writing In speech, “okay” is the more commonly used form. It is also the more versatile of the two, as it can be used to express agreement, understanding, or confirmation. ...
This is a good point for the acceptability ofalright. Nevertheless, as a general guideline, professional writing still tends toavoidit in favor of the standardall right. References All Right or Alright: Which is correct, and when?(n.d.) Merriam Webster.https://www.merriam-webster.com/words...
英语OK一词的来源 OK” (or “okay” or “O. K. ” or “ok”)is one of the most common words in the English language-and even one of the most recognized words in the world, but linguistically it's a relative newbie.It traces its roots back to 19th cen...
1. "Okay"和"OK"都是英语中用来表示同意或确认的常见表达方式。2. 它们的区别主要在于拼写和使用的场合。"OK"是一种缩写形式,广泛用于口语和书面语中。3. "OK"的起源并不明确,有说法认为它源于美国南北战争时期的缩写"all correct",也有人认为它源自美国印第安语言。4. "Okay"是"OK"的完整形...
aOK是okay的缩写形式,起源于all correct,意为“完全正确”。后来有人把它误拼成oll korret。为了说话方便,于是取各自的词首字母,便成了OK。如今人们常用手势来表示“OK”,即用食指和拇指构成圆圈,其余3指伸直。 OK is the okay abbreviation form, origins in all correct, Italy is “the entirely accurate”...
There’s a good reason for that, as it happens. OK and okay are words with a long and somewhat opaque history, so it’s not always easy to tell which is correct. That’s not so great when you’re trying to write a paper or a novel. ...
OK是okay的缩写形式,起源于all correct,意为“完全正确”。后来有人把它误拼成oll korret。为了说话方便,于是取各自的词首字母,便成了OK。如今人们常用手势来表示“OK”,即用食指和拇指构成圆圈,其余3指伸直。问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 ok is the abbreviation of okay, originated from all ...
OK 和 Okay 都是常见的英语单词,经常用来表示“好的”、“可以”、“没问题”等意思。它们在大多数情况下可以互换使用,但在一些细微之处存在差异。 1. 词源 OK 的起源可以追溯到 19 世纪的美国,当时人们用它来表示“oll korrect”(all correct)的缩写。 Okay 是OK 的另一种拼写形式,出现于 20 世纪初。它...
脱口而出“Okay”(OK)这个词。 那关于它的知识,你又知道多少? 今天和轻松君一起来看一下吧! OK的来源 OK的来源众说纷纭,暂无定论。 有人认为它是“all correct” 故意拼错的缩写 有人认为它来自美国前总统 马丁·范布伦(Martin Van Buren) OK的用法 ...