好的手势 Emoji 👌 U+1F44C 表情符號的含義 好的手势. 杂项符号和象形文字. 符号「好的手势」 包含在 「杂项符号和象形文字」 块的 「手形符號」 子块中,并在2010年作为Unicode版本6.0的一部分获得批准。在2015年,它还在版本1.0中被批准为表情符号,并被添加到 「人与身体」 类别的 「用手指偏手」 子...
🖏不是一個正式的Emoji,但可以作為一個Unicode字符使用。另外有一個與傾斜OK手勢標誌含義/外觀相近的Emoji:👌 (OK 手勢),在某些情況下可以用來代替🖏使用。 💡擴展閱讀和科普 Emoji表情符號🖏的意思是傾斜OK手勢標誌。 🔸 🖏 (1F58F) 此Unicode字符沒有Emoji版本,這意味著在大多數移動電話或計算機...
Emoji Island The OK hand emoji is also referred to as the A-OK, OK, or OK hand sign emoji. Like the word OK, the OK hand emoji can convey simple agreement, understanding, or satisfaction. If someone texts a friend asking if they want to meet up, the friend might reply with the ...
Emoji: 👌 Shortname: OK hand Apple Name: OK hand sign Known as: Okay | Perfect Codepoint: U+1F44C Copy Shortcode: :ok_hand: Copy Decimal: ALT+128076 Unicode Version: 6.0 (2010-10-11) Emoji Version: 1.0 (2015-06-09) Categories: 👌 People & Body Sub Categories: 👌 Hand ...
就连苹果手机都在考虑是否要移除emoji中的 手势,防患于未然到连大洋彼岸的日本表情包都遭了殃。 只想说这股风气千万不要传到国内,否则不知多少人的表情包图库都要实时更新。 不过虽然国内大部分人都是处于吃瓜群众的状态,不过万一以后出个国旅个游,还是要注意一下,以防堂堂一位黄种人被当成“白人至上主义” ...
🙆🏿♀️ (emoji style) = 🙆🏿♀ (no style) + emoji style The meaning of emoji symbol 🙆🏿♀️ is woman gesturing OK: dark skin tone, it is related to dark skin tone, gesture, hand, OK, woman, woman gesturing OK, it can be found in emoji category: "👌...
Introducing the "🙆🏽♂️" emoji, commonly referred to as the "Man Gesturing OK" emoji. This emoji creatively portrays a man forming an "O" or "OK" sign with his arms above their head, a universal symbol of approval or acceptance. Emerging from the diverse world of human gesture...
Description: Since the 👌 emoji is now considered a symbol for the white power movement and therefore promoting hate speech i would like to see it removed or at least a stylistic change to only show two fingers instead of the 3. Steps to ...
In the digital age, "OK" has taken on new life as an emoji, a quick and convenient way to convey a sentiment in text form. It's a testament to the word's adaptability and its deep integration into everyday life. The story of "OK" is a microcosm of language evolution—a tale of ...
Introducing the "🙆🏻♂️" emoji, commonly referred to as the "Man Gesturing OK" emoji. This emoji creatively portrays a man forming an "O" or "OK" sign with his arms above their head, a universal symbol of approval or acceptance. Emerging from the diverse world of human gesture...