@Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { if (msg.what == 1) { pro.setProgress(msg.arg1); } } }; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 好了,到了这里,下载也OK了,上传和下载之前,别忘记动态申请Android权限哈。 7.Gzip压缩 为了优化(扯淡的故事)接口要求压缩上传的数据,好了直...
this will evaluate to true/false 👍 2 PhilippMeissner commented Dec 3, 2020 const exception = error.error || error.message || error.originalError || error; this will evaluate to true/false Unlikely, while possible. It all comes down to what "error" you send down the stream. But ...
struct messaging_context *msg_ctx){structrpc_srv_callbacksepmapper_cb;NTSTATUS status;pid_tpid;boolok;intrc; epmapper_cb.init =NULL; epmapper_cb.shutdown = epmapper_shutdown_cb; epmapper_cb.private_data =NULL; DEBUG(1, ("Forking Endpoint Mapper Daemon\n")); pid = fork();if(pid =...
aI'm looking for friends, good friends, or just someone to chat with, I am happy with any. Someone to teach me basic mandarin is welcomed too! I love talking and I'd like to talk to anyone :) different country is ok! Please don't be afraid to send a msg, i'll always respond!
> root disk in the drive. > > After reading that your mac booted from boot.img, I tried that one > and with a little more success. After loading the kernel, the system > switched to text mode and asked for the root floppy. I inserted root.img ...
root disk in the drive. After reading that your mac booted from boot.img, I tried that one and with a little more success. After loading the kernel, the system switched to text mode and asked for the root floppy. I inserted root.img ...
> move some stuff from it to the cd_drivers or something such. > > But still i would be interested if : > > 1) the boot or ofonlyboot floppies actually boot a kernel. > > 2) the root floppy gets loaded and actually does something usefull. ...
> >What we need would be a way to get a log of it or something. > > I'll try booting from open-firmware directly on a serial console. > It may take a couple of trys. I've never done that before on a Mac > (On a Sun/sparc machine, it's standard operating procedure, and ...
> > Well, the daily root.bin turned out to contain an emtpty file system, so > > no wonder the installer didn't start. > > For the record, I was using the daily boot floppies from powerpc-small, > which appear to be kernel 2.4.25 and not 2.6.7. ...
> > > I have uploaded oldworld 2.6 miboot floppies at : > > > > > >http://people.debian.org/~luther/d-i/miboot> > > > > > Could people please test them, as i don't have the hardware for it. > > > > > > These should all be the right size, except the net_drivers ...