Numerous Dakotas and Ojibwes of Minnesota left reservations during World War II to serve in the military or work in war industry in major cities, experiencing mainstream American society for the first time. After the war, many chose to remain in urban areas or participated in the relocation ...
said Lesley Shabaiash. She was participating in the weekly drum and dance session at the Minneapolis American Indian Center a few weeks after attending protests in Hinckley."Hopefully this incident doesn't stop us from doing our spiritual things," added the mother of four, who grew up in the...
1.A member of a Native American people originally located north of Lake Huron before moving westward in the 1600s and 1700s into Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, western Ontario, and Manitoba, with later migrations onto the northern Great Plains in North Dakota, Montana, and Saskatchewan. ...
Ojibwe是一地方。这土地由三个Algonquian部落最初安定,以三火著名: 齐佩瓦人(Ojibwe),渥太华(Odawa)和Potawatomi。 虽然这些不是永久解决在欧洲感觉,这些部落常去这个区域钓鱼,寻找,换和崇拜。(这鬼东西出现在我们科学课本(Aboriginal Clan Systems)上过,所以我问过老师)Nanabush我上Wikipedia查,...
If the treaty is concluded for a definite period, a statement of the period follows; or, if it is in perpetuity, there may be a provision inserted that either party may “denounce” (i.e., give notice to terminate) the treaty. Any reservations, which alter the treaty’s provisions for...
if it is inperpetuity, there may be a provision inserted that either party may “denounce” (i.e., give notice to terminate) the treaty. Any reservations, which alter the treaty’s provisions for the concerned state, may then appear; they are followed by an article that provides for the...
to accommodate the health, safety, education, and general welfare needs of tribal members. American Indian tribes, including the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, have unique relationships with the United States government as well as the state and local governments in which their reservations are located....
I personally worked 16 hour double shifts on an Indian reservation called Grand Portage in Minnesota called the Chippewa band of Lake Superior. I was their official government grant lead accountant for a few years, and also worked in their Casinos while living in Canada. Crossing the border dail...
This study addressed one American Indian group's experience with cancer, its associated pain, and the resulting barriers in cancer pain management (CPM).The project researched the identified problems and implemented solutions. Focus groups at four reservations with clinic personnel and tribal elders rev...
The Ojibwe have transitioned over the past 100 years from a woodland people moving with the seasons, to forced confinement on rural reservations, to inner-city poverty. Traditionally, Ojibwe women's knowledge has been passed through the generations orally. Using ethnographic methods, data were ...