In contrast, OJ Simpson was a household name in the US. So much more than an ex-football star. But the shock of this icon being arrested for murder, the bizarre Bronco highway chase, the high-profile celebrity defence team, and ultimately the "did he do it?" question had universal att...
Former American footballer and actor OJ Simpson, who has died of cancer, will be remembered most for his role at the centre of the "trial of the century". Accused of double murder, his case captured the attention of the US until it came to a dramatic end in late 1995. Here's a ...
Kato Kaelin, a houseguest of Simpson's at the time of the murder who became a key witness during the trial, expressed his condolences Thursday to Simpson's children and his "love and compassion" to the families of Brown Simpson and Goldman. ...
Kato Kaelin, a houseguest of Simpson's at the time of the murder who became a key witness during the trial, expressed his condolences Thursday to Simpson's children and his "love and compassion" to the families of Brown Simpson and Goldman. "Nicole was a beacon of li...
The June 12, 1994, killings of Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman brought the “Trial of the Century” that saw O.J. Simpson acquitted of the murders.
The murder trial of O.J. Simpson, who died on Wednesday at 76, was pumped into the consciousness of millions of people, changing the way they interacted with criminal proceedings and, for some, their perception of the justice system. O.J. Simpson reacts after learning he was...
Relatives of the two victims are disgusted Simpson is able to live the way he does while their loved ones had their lives cut short so tragically. “I don’t suffocate in my grief,” Goldman’s sister, Kim, told the AP in an interview. “But every milestone that my kid hits, every ...
O.J. Simpson was ordered to pay a substantial amount of $33 million in damages to the families of the victims. TRUE CRIME 'The Craze is Real': O.J. Simpson Memorabilia Sales Surge Hours After His Death O.J. Simpson's name has been synonymous with controversy after being charged and la...
Simpson (Bensons). Therefore, Ronald Goldman is considered an accidental murder victim (Bensons). Goldman fought for himself and Nicole, he put up a strong fight (Birnkworth). Nicole on the other hand, went down quickly (Birnkworth). Plenty of evidence was found at the crime scene. A ...
A DEFIANT O J Simpson has vowed he will never pay the families of the murder victims Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman a penny of the $33.5m (pounds 20m) damages they were awarded.Hiscock, John