76岁的OJ·辛普森去世,拖欠受害者家庭超7亿,也曾令卡戴珊家分裂 当地时间4月10日晚间,最被欧美媒体关注的事情,莫过于OJ·辛普森(OJ Simpson)的去世的消息了。这位昔日的橄榄球明星因涉嫌残忍杀害前妻妮可·布朗·辛普森(Nicole Brown Simpson)和及其朋友罗恩·戈德曼(Ron Goldman),而被送上了法庭,尽管检方认定...
当地时间4月10日晚间,最被欧美媒体关注的事情,莫过于OJ·辛普森(OJ Simpson)的去世的消息了。 这位昔日的橄榄球明星因涉嫌残忍杀害前妻妮可·布朗·辛普森(Nicole Brown Simpson)和及其朋友罗恩·戈德曼(Ron Goldman),而被送上了法庭,尽管检方认定他犯有杀人罪是板上钉钉的事情,但经过被称为“世纪审判”的庭审后,...
当地时间4月10日晚间,最被欧美媒体关注的事情,莫过于OJ·辛普森(OJ Simpson)的去世的消息了。 这位昔日的橄榄球明星因涉嫌残忍杀害前妻妮可·布朗·辛普森(Nicole Brown Simpson)和及其朋友罗恩·戈德曼(Ron Goldman),而被送上了法庭,尽管检方认定他犯有杀人罪是板上钉钉的事情,但经过被称为“世纪审判”的庭审后,...
当地时间4月10日晚间,最被欧美媒体关注的事情,莫过于OJ·辛普森(OJ Simpson)的去世的消息了。 这位昔日的橄榄球明星因涉嫌残忍杀害前妻妮可·布朗·辛普森(Nicole Brown Simpson)和及其朋友罗恩·戈德曼(Ron Goldman),而被送上了法庭,尽管检方认定他犯有杀人罪是板上钉钉的事情,但经过被称为“世纪审判”的庭审后,...
Simpson)的去世的消息了。 这位昔日的橄榄球明星因涉嫌残忍杀害前妻妮可·布朗·辛普森(Nicole Brown Simpson)和及其朋友罗恩·戈德曼(Ron Goldman),而被送上了法庭,尽管检方认定他犯有杀人罪是板上钉钉的事情,但经过被称为“世纪审判”的庭审后,他却逃脱了严厉的惩罚,被宣告无罪。
After being acquitted in the criminal case, Simpson was found liable in a civil case brought by Brown and Goldman’s families a few years later. He also wrote a book titled “If I Did It,” which laid out how he would have hypothetically killed the pair. A judge granted proceeds from ...
After being acquitted in the criminal case, Simpson was found liable in a civil case brought by Brown and Goldman’s families a few years later. He also wrote a book titled “If I Did It,” which laid out how he would have hypothetically killed the pair. A judge granted proceeds from ...
The People of the State of California v Orenthal James Simpson faded as a memory, flickering back to life with the news of his death. 24 January 1995 The murder trial, dubbed the "trial of the century" by the media, began. Prosecutors argued OJ Simpson had killed Nicole and Ron in...
当地时间4月10日晚间,OJ·辛普森(OJ Simpson)的离世消息成为了欧美媒体关注的焦点。这位昔日的橄榄球明星,曾因涉嫌残忍杀害前妻妮可·布朗·辛普森(Nicole Brown Simpson)和她的朋友罗恩·戈德曼(Ron Goldman)而备受瞩目。尽管检方曾一度确信他有罪,但经历了备受瞩目的“世纪审判”后,他却以无罪获释。
OJ Simpson’s death came almost exactly three decades after the murders that changed his reputation.