If you are looking for a SERIOUS MIRACLE, then you've come to the right place. Miracle Utopia's Powerful Spiritual forumulas were created by Mississippi Spiritualist (Dr. Uro) who has spiritual power in his blood and wanted to share some of that magic with the rest of the world! Though...
Don’t go out and spend a ton of money on anything fancy. Sometimes ingredients as simple as a handful of salt and a black candle is enough to remove a person or thing from your life. What Happens if a Banishing Doesn’t Work?
Ritual Oilsis the general name for oils used to anoint candles, ritual tools, material, furniture, money, and other such items, and when use to anoint the body are often also calledAnointing Oils. Condition Oilsis a term found only in Hoodoo and Conjure practice; it refers to all anointing...
your intuition and thus your luck. It also improves your connection to the Craft, or to help you get started along the path. It is also for women to ease into the various phases of life. For the young woman to find the place in the world ...