The process is simply the immersion of the eggs in a colourless, odourless, tasteless mineral oil for several seconds, following which the eggs are drained, packed and stored in cold storage rooms maintained at a temperature of 30°F.±1° and a relative humidity of 80%±5%. There are ...
After shell eggs had been immersed for 3 min in water at 144·5 ± 0·5°F the incidence of microbial rotting was reduced by over 90%. Consistent reductions in spoilage losses were obtained with farm steeped eggs, eggs produced under commercial conditions, and eggs held in cold storage for...
L. 1978 . Effect of oiling variables on storage of shell eggs at elevated temperatures . Poultry Sci. 57 , 930 – 936 .Heath, J. L., and S. L. Owens, 1978. Effect of oiling variables on storage of shell eggs at elevated temperatures. Poultry Sci. 57:930-936....