PURPOSE:To provide the titled finishing agent which exhibits excellent stainproofing effect and is suitable for use in water-repellent, oil-repellent and stainproofing finish of carpets, etc, by a method wherein a urethane compd. contg. a polyfluoroalkyl group is used as a main agent. and a...
The meaning of OIL is any of numerous unctuous combustible substances that are liquid or can be liquefied easily on warming, are soluble in ether but not in water, and leave a greasy stain on paper or cloth. How to use oil in a sentence.
I have been cleaning homes for over 40 years %26 this is my %231 cleaning product !! I recently learned it also is effective in stain removal %26 I have NEVER, EVER, EVER had such absolutely incredible results !! you MUST try it !! Pre-soak or not ... works fantasic !!
for an underarm deodorant, along with ACV. I first apply the ACV and let it dry and then apply a very light amount of the EVCO. If I happen to get too much under the arm, I just dab it with a tissue. It does not stain and the light odor of coconut is gone within 1 hour ...
The control group received treatment with a water-soluble cream base, while the standard group was treated with Povidone Iodine 5%. On day 16, the skin surrounding the wounds of all animals was carefully dissected, and biochemical, cytokine level, and histopathological evaluations were performed on...
Thus, oil palm might perceive Al stimuli as a water uptake issue, activating the transcription factors DREB1F and NAC as internal response-based mechanisms on ROS and Ca2+ signaling in ABA-independent pathways. The constant stimulus of Al3+ and H+ in the cytoplasm possibly activates other ...
For example, a highly pinning surface may not be suitable for particle deposition where a uniform layer of particles is desired as it can lead to the well-known coffee-ring stain effect9. To control the evaporation dynamics of droplets, it is important to understand how to modify a solid ...
Other factors, such as compo-sition and viscosity of the oily sub-stances, fabric construction, fiber type,dyes, other finishing agents, etc., also in-fluence stain resistance. This test can,however, provide a rough index of oilstain resistance, in that generally thehigher the oil repellency...
马可波罗网(makepolo.com)提供Textile Water-repellent/Oil-repellent/Stain-repellent Agent,产品详情:品牌:沪正、型号:R-001、产品名称:织物三防整理剂 R-001、主要成分:氟共聚物、有效物质含量:30%、主要用途:广谱抗菌,更多产品详情就上马可波罗网!
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