3. National oil companies: Breaking barriers National oil companies (NOCs), particularly those in the Middle East and members of OPEC, face challenges in the near term, including: 1) balancing crude oil supply and demand and maintaining stability in prices; 2) fulfilling COP28 commitments to re...
Many people believe that the only alternative to adequate oil supply is for the amount of oil produced by oil companies to fall and because of this, for shortages to result. While this scenario is possible, especially in the presence of price controls, in this section we show how demand lim...
With the increasing global demand for edible oils and the restriction of arable land minimum in China, woody oil plants have gradually become the optimal solution to cover the shortage of current edible oil supply and to further improve the self-sufficiency rate. However, due to the lack of kn...
Also, developed stock and bond markets make it easy the companies in the non-oil sector to buy government treasury bonds or attract oil money by selling their shares to oil activity-related companies. The estimation results also show that a 1% increase in labor, capital, and institutional ...
"A pending resolution to Libya's central bank crisis would restore significant oil supply, while U.S. Gulf production outages are seen as very temporary," said Clay Seigle, energy strategist. A hurricane threatening the U.S. Gulf Coast has changed course, toward Florida ...
Products & Services - Middle East's largest oil, gas & energy news portal, which delivers latest news, trends, data, analysis & opinion for the region's energy professionals across Dubai, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Gulf, GCC & Middle East. Find the major industr
Granted, if supply and demand are relatively insensitive to price over the short run (so that both curves above are very steep), the price could be off for some time before there is much evidence of inventories piling up or being drawn down. In this respect, it is conceivable to me that...
The BCC represents CEOs of Canadian-based companies. Members include, among others, the heads of BASF Canada, Shell Canada, and of ExxonMobil’s Canadian affiliate, Imperial Oil. Canada needed stable and credible leadership that recognizes the seriousness of the significant economic headwinds over ...
In the first “hump,” there was an oversupply of oil when the US was trying to ramp up its domestic oil supply of oil (through tight oil from shale) at the same time that OPEC also increasing production. The thing that strikes me is that it was OPEC’s oil supply in Iraq that was...
Governments seem to accept the risk of transporting millions of tons of oil by ship every day so that we can fill up our cars and drive around and cause even more environmental damage.Interestingly,the biggest companies in the world produce cars,and the next biggest supply the gasoline to mak...