If minimizing ecological impact is to be a prime focus of oil spill response, ecologists should be involved in both the planning before and the field efforts during such spill events.doi:10.1016/0160-4120(80)90054-9June Lindstedt-Siva
此次漏油造成的海洋污染⾯积超过840平⽅公⾥。上⽂报道中的oil spill就是“漏油”的意思, 也可以⽤“oil leak” 来表⽰。该事故被媒体披露后,保护⽣态环境(preserve the ecological environment),提⾼⼈们的环保意识(raise people’s awareness of environment protection)再⼀次被热议。
The study of these factors and their evolution in time, as well as the ecological groups, enables definition of the degradation, recolonization and restructuring conditions. Finally, predators such as fish juveniles regulate these communities; six years after the "Amoco Cadiz" oil spill, even if ...
Post-spill state of the marsh: Remote estimation of the ecological impact of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill on Louisiana Salt Marshes This unprecedented research combined satellite and ground data to quantify the impacts of oil-spill and dispersant on Louisiana wetlands. Phenological ana... Deepak ...
Oil spill countermeasures to clean up and remove the oil are selected and applied on the basis of many interrelated factors, including ecological protection, socioeconomic effects, and health risk. It is important to have contingency plans in place in order to deploy pollution control personnel and...
Ecotoxicological mechanisms and models in an impact analysis tool for oil spill. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health A 74, 605-619.De Laender F, Olsen GH, Frost T, Grosvik BE, Grung M, Hansen BH, Hendriks AJ, Hjorth M, Janssen CR, Klok C, Nordtug T, Smit M, Carroll J, Camus L. ...
Oil Spill Clean-Up Tool Based on Castor Oil and CoffeeGrounds Magnetic Resins Aiming to reduce the anthropogenic environmental impact some wastes canbe used as raw material in other process. Considering that, coffee groundspowder bef... JC Silva,GE Oliveira,RDT Filho - Natural Polymers, Biopolymer...
Ecological impacts of the deepwater horizon oil spill: implications for immunotoxicity. competed (for example, for N and S), others were Toxicol Pathol 40: 315–320. The ISME Journal Uncultivated seafloor bacterial response to the DWH spill KM Handley et al Beller HR, Spormann AM. (1998). ...
Oil spills in nearshore environments may eventually move into sensitive coastal habitats such as coastal marshes, and could impact marsh organisms. Applica... Q Lin,IA Mendelssohn - Nato/ccms Workshop on Oil Spill Response 被引量: 0发表: 2008年 Approaches to Planning for Dispersant Use in Oil...
weredeterminedusingstandardmethodsandresultsfromthethreeareaswere compared.Therewasasignificantdecreaseinthecalcium(Ca),magnesium(Mg),potassium(K)andorganicmatter,aswellasa significantincreaseintheelectrica1conductivity.moisturecontentandphosphorouscontentoftheoil-spillaffectedfarmlandsat IkorighoandOtumarawhencompared...