Pay for postage to the lab and ship the sample with a tracking number. Wait for your sample test to be completed and review the results. Why Do I Need A Motor Oil Sample Analysis Kit The use of an oil analysis kit provides the best way to monitor the health of your engine by submitt...
QIAGEN 9237170 Sample Needle Height Alignment KitQIAGEN 9233173 Board, YZ-adapter, BR8000QIAGEN 9237157 LED Board XYPQIAGEN 9237124 Upgrade App., MinElute 96QIAGEN 9237099 Upgrade BR configuration, on siteQIAGEN 9236424 Motor, rotary, TWIQIAGEN 9232970 YZ 96 Connector Board 2 (Arm), E10103 ...
Kit collector sample for analysis of insulating oilKit collector sample for analysis of insulating oil.This invention aims to provide a kit sample collector for analysis of insulating oil in electric power equipment such as reactors, transformers andEDSON MATHIAS...
11.Built-in data analysis system, which can automatically determine the sample grade according to the standard, with automatic data processing and printing functions 12.7-inch color touch screen operation, Chinese and English input, language interface can be freely switched, with pr...
This work examines the application of machine learning (ML) algorithms to evaluate dissolved gas analysis (DGA) data to quickly identify incipient faults in oil-immersed transformers (OITs). Transformers are pivotal equipment in the transmission and dist
After power-on, it can quickly reach a stable state and perform sample analysis without any operation. It can remotely operate the instrument, observe spectra, query data, and remotely calibrate through the network. Transformer oil and gas composition detection test method...
Using the kit, samples are collected and sent to the laboratory for testing. Most of the time, only heavy fuel oil samples are sent to shore for analysis, but I have also seen on a couple of ships where we were sending MGO samples. The sample analysis is sent back to the ship in ...
The wood sample was extracted for its DNA with Quick-DNA Plant/Seed Miniprep Kit (Zymo Research, D6020). PCR amplification was carried out using My Taq HS Red Mix kit, 2X (Bioline, BIO-25048). The electrophoresis of the amplified product was conducted on agarose gel 1% in TBE buffer bas...
2.5. Analysis of the re-sequencing data About 10 ug genomic DNA extracted from GY-pool, DY-pool HS46 and MAR-188 were used for construction of their paired-end libraries, respectively. These libraries with an insert size of 300 bp were conducted using Paired-End DNA Sample Prep kit (Illum...
A desert soil sample was saturated with crude oil (17.3%, w/w) and aliquots were diluted to different extents with either pristine desert or garden soils. Heaps of all samples were exposed to outdoor conditions through six months, and were repeatedly irr