It is based on 620 Gb developed declining at 4.35% annually; 150 Gb discovered and undeveloped with about 120 identified from identified conventional projects on companies’ books and 30 from shale; and 25 Gb undiscovered represented by a linear decline from current discovery numbers over twenty ye...
The worried, scared, and pissed voters were ready to rebel, even though the hard core of the Democrats voted D, and the hard core of the R’s voted R, and would have done so NO MATTER who represented their party at the top of the ticket. But enough of the traditional working class...
In the cultural context of the Bible, a full cup represented prosperity and joy. The imagery suggests that God's provision is not just sufficient but abundant, exceeding the needs of the psalmist. This abundance is echoed in the New Testament, where Jesus speaks of giving life "more ...
One could argue that The geologic deposition of minerals represented a gift of low entropy. Materials were then mined and dispersed. Recycling slowed the entropic dispersion but required energy and other materials. I sometimes found it simpler to minimize complexity and consider the entropic ...
today, speaking at Copenhagen (well worth listening to her), and explaining how she'd been misrepresented as advocating for an 'uprising' there, while she does encourage direct action. It would be far too easy for the media to make this a 'broken windows and overturned cars' story, easy...
This note calling for reserves replacement of 15 billion barrels coincidentally represented exactly 5 years of 3 billion barrels/year production. What about the effects of Aramco’s improved technology in exploiting existing fields (Fig 1)? Aramco started using advanced horizontal wells about ten ...
represented by words. The verbal usage and idioms of the verbs. The grammar. I looked at a Spanish book and figured, since this is ALL the grammar then, I finish this book and that’s done. Plus, understanding grammar allows me to read. Then, the only thing remaining is in-context vo...
Thus every detail of the offering, while it did not condemn the woman (for one found guilty could not have made any offering at all), yet represented her questionable repute and unquestionable dishonour, for even the unjust suspicion of the husband is a dishonour to the wife. Barley meal. ...
Second, this hesitation may also be experienced by a character; thus the reader’s role is so to speak entrusted to a character, and at the same time the hesitation is represented, it becomes one of the themes of the work—in the case of naive reading, the actual reader identifies ...
Looking strictly at terrestrial vertebrates, other than humans and their animals, there has been an absolute disaster. 10,000 years ago, humans and their animals represented less than one-tenth of one percent of the land and air vertebrate biomass of the earth. Now they are 97 percent.Long...