The governments take climate change very seriously these days, but they worry that too much frankness about the cost in lives of going past 1.5C will create irresistible pressure on them to take radical action now. In the ensuing struggle between the scientists and the politicians, the executive...
By Emily Friedman 28-Mar-23 01:41 HOUSTON (ICIS)–Though competitive recycled resin imports continue to pressure the domestic US recycled plastics market as freight rates improve, Q4 and full-year 2022 US import and export data of plastic scrap show a s...
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There is something very shocking in this report. The EIA shows OPEC production increasing 6,000 barrels per day January to February. OPEC’s own data,Monthly Oil Market Reportshows OPEC production dropping by 641,000 barrels per day January to February. (According to OPEC’s “Secondary Sources...
Oil reserves are also results of dead plants and animals buried under huge pressure of sand and mud [16]. However, increased usage of oil has resulted in massive air pollution. Burning of oil leads to CO2 gas emission [17]. Pipelines or ships [18] help in transportation of oil. Oil ...
” farms were under enormous pressure which meant they increased investment in tractors,” Only because fossil fuel made it possible. It is a specific case of increasing labour productivity by using available energy. It is not a general illustration of “in the absence of growth”. Regards, Pau...
I think the situation in these areas is going to get a LOT worse than it is now and there is nothing the government can do about it as printing enough money to spur the economy to support current prices puts tremendous pressure on commodities. Its not just a matter of giving out loans ...
Changes in international associations.Already, there isdiscussion of Greece dropping out of the Eurozone. Associations such as the European Union and the International Monetary Fund will find it increasingly difficult to handle problems, as their rich countries become poorer, and as loan defaults become...
Hubby had his right shoulder replaced 10 years ago and coconut oil keeps him pain free. I need back surgery but am too old so I use coconut oil to relieve pain. We also use it to rub arthritic knees, hips, elbows and hands. We were in Majuro for 18 months five years ago and were...
Peter Tertzakian: Possible non-OPEC oil supply surge to put pressure on prices? We’re in an era when no assumptions can be taken for granted. For example, a few years ago we assumed that North American natural gas production was in gradual decline, a notion that was quickly put to rest...