The issue is already causing anxiety for some Gulf operators worried not just about delayed government approvals but the viability of existing work authorized under the court-invalidated biological opinion. At stake are operations as varied as traffic from ships supplying offshore platforms to continu...
Oil platforms in the Persian (Arabian) Gulf: living and death as- semblages reveal no effects. Cont. Shelf Res. (in press).Albano, P.G., Nadezhda, F., Steger, J., Kaufman, D.S., Tomašovych, A., Stachowitsch, M., Zuschin, M., 2016. Oil Platforms in the Persian (Arabian)...
bp is a top oil producer in theGulf of America, with five operated platforms – Atlantis, Argos, Mad Dog, Na Kika and Thunder Horse. And bp is carefully planning to grow through the next decade, building capacity to produce above 400,000 barrels of oil e...
The Gulf of Mexico is an incredibly congested area with thousands of oil platforms, ships, and oil and gas pipelines. There are more than 25,000 miles of active oil and gas pipelines in the Gulf, enough to reach around the Earth at the equator—and then some! This mission further demonst...
AtArnold & Itkin, we protect the rights of offshore crew members who have been injured while working on oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico and throughout U.S. and international waters. We help workers and their families get the care and support they need to rebuild after the worst accide...
Not only do the oil and gas platforms serve as a support structure for operations involved in the extraction and transmission in oil and gas; these platforms also serve as excellent research stations. The ocean is a final frontier for exploration, as we know more about the surface of the moo...
pled oil platforms. Coral communities on artificial reefs in the Gulf of Mexico: standing vs. toppled oil platforms.Coral communities on artificial reefs in the Gulf of Mexico: standing vs. toppled oil platforms.artificial reefscoralMadracis decactis...
The process of resuming halted production is gradual and slow. Chevron started returning staff and restoring output earlier this week for its Big Foot, Blind Faith, Genesis, Jack St. Malo, Petronius and Tahiti oil drilling platforms in the Gulf of Mexico, the company said. ...
There are >2,000 oil and gas platforms (platforms) in the northern Gulf of Mexico that are de facto artificial reefs. The ecological importance of platforms is the subject of debate, but little information exists on the extent that fishes feed on platformヾwelling benthic organisms. We used ...
Oil pipelines move crude oil from oil platforms offshore in the Gulf of Mexico to refineries onshore. Pipelines can also move petroleum products between regions of the U.S. Pumping stations along the pipelines are located every 60 to 100 miles to keep the oil flowing.,A 49、pipeline must...