Functional Microbiomes Corinne Whitby, in Advances in Ecological Research, 2022 3.2 Oil sands process affected water (OSPW) OSPW is composed of a mixture of various source waters including river water, formation water, recycled water and surface run-off (Mahaffey and Dubé, 2017), and is store...
A host-microbiome interaction mediates the opposing effects of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids on metabolic endotoxemia. Sci Rep. 2015 Jun 11;5:11276. Abba C et al. Essential fatty acids supplementation in different-stage atopic dogs fed on a controlled diet. Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl)...
Fish meal Fish oil Microalgae Gut microbiome Nutrition Growth 1. Introduction Fish by-products are playing a major role in reducing food losses and waste, enhancing food security and nutrition, promoting environmental sustainability and climate change mitigation across various food systems (FAO, 2019; ...
showing a large genetic and phenotypic variation in its growing area. There is an urgent need to uncover how olive phenotypic traits and plasticity can change regardless of the genetic background. A two-year study was conducted, based on the analysis of fruit and oil traits of 113 cultivars f...
Astro’s Oil™ Nitrogen-Creatinine Scrub Astro’s Oil™ Nitrogen-Creatinine Scrub is a supplement that enhances the pet’s gut microbiome flora. As the bacteria proliferate they take up nitrogen and creatinine and are then excreted in the stool. It also reduces serum phosphorous level. Astro...
The loss of large charismatic species while devastating, pales in comparison to the consequences of losses of the species most humans are least aware of, such as those in niche microbiomes, diatoms, phytoplankton, fungi, detrivores, insects, land and marine in...
Carney LT, Reinsch SS, Lane PD et al (2014) Microbiome analysis of a microalgal mass culture growing in municipal wastewater in a prototype OMEGA photobioreactor. Algal Res 4:52–61. Article Google Scholar Carpenter SR, Caraco NF, Correll DL et...
Base Mine Lake (BML) is the first full-scale end pit lake for the oil sands mining industry in Canada. BML sequesters oil sands tailings under a freshwater cap and is intended to develop into a functional ecosystem that can be integrated into the local w
TNP was quantified using degenerate 16S rRNA gene primers 515F (5′-GTGCCAGCMGCCGCGGTA-3′) and 806R (5′-GGACTACHVGGGTWTCTAAT-3′) recommended by the Earth Microbiome Project (Caporaso et al., 2011). PowerUp SYBR master mix (2X) was used according to the manufacturer's instructions...
an effect of saliva on rumen pH may still exist (de Assis Lage et al., 2020), so we did not present rumen pH results in this study, even though noninvasive stomach tubing is a feasible alternative to surgical rumen cannulation in dairy cows to examine ruminal fermentation and microbiome. ...