replacement heater, etc. I know you need repeat business and will never do a big volume on this item bottle by bottle. I'll give you an endorsement you can use, since I was in Finland40 years ago taking saunas , and this fragrance was a part of weekly saunas for me. Hang in ...
As I sit typing this up, my little catalytic propane heater providing me with a smidgen of warmth, I ponder how many vehicles it would take to drive up propane prices substantially. From what I remember reading, the propane supply systems in most areas wouldn't be able to handle much ...
here in the 2nd VT Republik I made a nano-wood-shop in the rear of my garage with enuf insulation to heat it to a comfy 50F when it's -30 outside with a tiny electric milkhouse heater on a thermostat that goes down to 32.001F. I use sweaters and underwear and etc. I made a ...
Due to the high heat capacity of water, appliances that heat a lot of water end up being the ones that use the most energy - the water heater and the clothes dryer. In most households that is the lion's share of energy use outside of direct heating/cooling of the structure. The ...
To show that I am not completely pessimistic, I will provide a link to a far more productive solar water heater project being done by Cal-Berkeley students that has already been tested in the field. Their design is already being refined based upon those field trials: Building affordable solar...
Unlike many on this board, I am young and have probably 50-60 years left ahead of me. If the renewable build out fails as I suspect, I’ll at least be kept warm by the fact that I was right, if not by an electric heater Hickory 06/30/2021 at 10:49 am I’m sure you ...
I have driven many vehicles that lacked even a heater, never mind air conditioning, carpets, nice seats, etc. People in need of jobs will be happy to drive such a vehicle if they can’t find a better job. So far as I can see, it would be legal under current American law to ...
one 23000 litre tank fed by rainwater collected from a roof.I have a wood burning hot water system and a composting toilet.When my wood supply runs out and if I don't feel like replacing it by firing up the chain saw I can install a solar heater which attracts a state government ...
I went through the first winter without natural gas (no hot water and only an electrical space heater for heat). Natural gas is out again for the last week as they replace a section corroded by salt water during Katrina. Best Hopes, Alan PS: Alcohol consumption is up with half the popul...
My water tank has a 3/4"copper coil (120') near the top that heats/preheats DHW which then goes to a Bosche (propane) 125s tankless water heater set at 120 degrees. In winter, the water heater kicks on to boost the temp (at a very low level burn) about 1/4 of the time. I...