In fact, I used to have two EU2000i paralleled together as backup but the space requirement eventually caused us to consider evicting them. What ended up causing the eviction was that these engines require quite a bit of gasoline and when you are supporting the entire boat on a generator, ...
Show Preview The Region's No.1 Oil And Gas Show KUA2LA- L4UMJPUURNCEONV2E0NT1IO5N CENTRE, MALAYSIA KUALA LUMPUR Convention Centre, MALAYSIA The Most Important Oil & Gas Meeting Point for the Region Proven to be the most significant source of latest technologies and best solutions for the ...
I would like to thank everyone who works to bring us TOD for all their time and effort. I have been able to gain insight here that would probably have been impossible to gather without TOD. I prefer the separate threads because disasters tend to drown out commentary on other significant eve...
The idea for this post originated on a recent errand to Fleet Farm to buy a replacement spark plug for my dad's chain saw. I discovered there are not one or two kinds of spark plugs but hundreds, depending on the type of machine they go into. The plugs were made by a variety of ...
The European Fiesta ECOnetic (which I mentioned a couple of days back) gets 75mpg on highways according to the EU test cycle. Hopefully that's what will be built in Mexico. on July 24, 2008 - 9:44am Permalink | Comments ...
In the following graphic I have used a factor of 2x to convert coal to its oil equivalent. Six thousand cubic feet of gas has the energy equivalent of one barrel of oil. Natural gas can be used directlyin some transport applications. Putting it through an FT plant to make diesel, for ...
“Britain bets on nuclear power in its plan to boost energy independence. The government said it aimed to fulfill a quarter of the estimated electricity demand in Britain with nuclear power by 2050.”
The milk float, used in the UK for over a century is one class of electric vehicle that has persevered over the years after almost disappearing when EU Common Market rules insisted that supermarkets be allowed to undercut milkmen and huge supermarket chains started selling fresh milk packaged ...
Tahsheoenl i innceocr.meTapshaere eodifn cctorhe aaFrs0ge,e foionfr ctahhleal recgynelgiinndeet hrl oehacadyss l,di niitrd ehecrat she fabfseecedtnsi rooebncst eeernfvfgeidnct est htooanrtq euneg ainnneed ...
just my thoughts for the morning... totoneila on April 11, 2007 - 11:17am Permalink | Parent | Comments top Hello Shawnott, Thxs for responding. I thought the Honda video would have been more accurate if when the boat was plummeting downward--that was when the commercial needed to end...