Study: Falling oil prices will slowly hurt housing markets in Texas, Oklahoma and Louisianadoi:urn:uuid:8ab3fafde6cca410VgnVCM100000d7c1a8c0RCRDThe oil boom that lifted home prices in Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana is coming to an end....
Louisiana The State Licensing Board for Contractors licenses a mold remediation specialist (specialist). The specialist has training in both mold assessment and mold remediation and receives instruction on Louisiana’s “Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law”. Maine Maine prohibits a person...
I’ve found one Brazilian project that’s starting now (It’s in the subsalt field of Lapa, in the Santos basin, 100kb/day), does anyone remember what the others are? 2016-Dec-20 Brazil’s state-run oil company Petroleo Brasileiro SA has started to pump oil and natural gas from the...
and mounting it on a frame sturdy enough to contain it in the event of the failure of a high speed bearing or axle, add all the stuff needed to the wheel and housing to create a generator, add on to that the necessary controls and switches, a big assed concrete pad to anchor the ...
“Wyoming is one of thirteen states suing the Biden administration Wednesday (March 31) to end a suspension of new oil and gas leases on federal land and water and to reschedule canceled sales of leases in the Gulf of Mexico, Alaska waters and western states.“ Louisianaʼs output increased...
in solar panels, tells me, “It’s going to cost so much to get the oil in the Arctic out that they will need partners.” Gazprom, Russia’s energy parastatal, is already partnering with France’s Total and the Norwegian energy giant Statoil, in the Shtokman Field, just over the ...
"There's still a lot of work to do. There are other wells to prepare for production and others to drill and complete. But we're on track, making good progress, and on schedule to have the field online by year-end," he said. When the structure 150 miles southeast of New Orleans ...
Wyoming increased production by 6 kb/d to 283 kb/d in March but declined by 38 kb/d in April to 245 kb/d. During the week ending July 2, Wyoming had 1 oil rig in operation, down from a high of 20 in January 2020. Louisiana’s output has been in decline since August 2019. In...
My oil industry knowledge is completely self taught, so keep that in mind. Our guys in the field, who average 30+ years hands on experience, are teaching me things all the time. Unfortunately, there are not many young people who appear willing to take their place as they begin to retire...
During previous tough times, Mexico could count on Pemex, a cash cow that brings in 37 percent of public-sector revenue. Now Cantarell, the world’s biggest offshore oil field, is drying up faster than the government expected. In September, daily production at Cantarell fell 39 percent from...