OPEC has already lowered its forecasts for global oil demand growth in 2024 and 2025 in its monthly market reports for four months in a row since August. OPEC had maintained its global oil demand growth forecasts of 2.25 million bpd this year and 1.85 million bpd next year by August. Oil ...
OPEC already lowered its forecasts for global oil demand growth in 2024 and 2025 in its monthly market reports for three months in a row since August. OPEC had maintained its global oil demand growth forecasts of 2.25 million bpd this year and 1.85 million bpd next year by August. Oil price...
2024 Analysisandforecastto2030 INTERNATIONALENERGY AGENCY TheIEAexaminestheIEAmemberIEAassociation fullspectrumcountries:countries: ofenergyissues includingoil,gasandAustraliaArgentina coalsupplyandAustriaBrazil demand,renewable BelgiumChina energytechnologies, ...
(IEA)raised its global oil demand forecasts for 2023 and 2024.IEA increased 2023's demand growth forecast to 2.4 million b/d from October's 2.3 million b/d."US deliveries proved more resilient than indicated by preliminary data and Chinese oil demand in September set another all-time high ...
If interest rates do decline around the world, it is easy to forecast economic growth would increase demand for oil. Currently, the summer driving season will provide immediate pressure that can’t be rationalized away by the media. The US is under pressure now to not enact high interest rate...
今天分享的报告是《石油2024—分析和预测至2030年报告(英文版)》,版权归国际能源署IEA所有。 Global oil markets will need to traverse myriad challenges in the medium-term as structural shifts reshape oil demand and trade flows, while rising oil supplies could potentially weigh on prices through the end...
“Oil demand in 2023 is expected to be supported by a still-solid economic performance in major consuming countries, as well as potential improvements in COVID-19 restrictions and reduced geopolitical uncertainties,” OPEC said in the Sept. 13 report.
Barclays Slashes Oil Price Forecast on 500,000 Bpd Demand Growth Cut Mar 14, 2025 at 10:47 | Charles Kennedy Barclays sees Brent Crude prices at $74 per barrel this year, down by $9 from its previous forecast, as it slashed its global demand growth estimate in mounting economic uncertainti...
Meanwhile, the International Energy Agency (IEA) disclosed a peak global oil demand of 103 mb/d in June, anticipating an annual growth of 2.2 mb/d. But, as the post-pandemic rally slows and the energy transition gains momentum, this growth could drop to 1 mb/d by 2024. While Q4 2023...
The Paris-based agency said it expects global oil demand to grow by 1.05 millionbarrels per dayversus the1.1 million B/Dit forecast last month. Still, the 2025 projection is above the 940,000 B/D global oil demand growth last year, an increase the IEA attributed to a marginal improvement ...