Oil companies have been hesitant to pursue resources at Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in part because of high costs of development, and public relations challenges around drilling in a wildlife sanctuary. The U.S. Interior Department said on Wednesday a congressionally mandated oil and ...
Officials of Alyeska, a company formed by the seven oil companies taking oil from Alaska's North Slope, said that a tube would take too long to build and that a large escape of oil was " highly unlikely". They assured Congress that they would be at the scene of any accident within fiv...
The Mid-Majors: These Oil Companies, Big but Not Giant, Are Making Strides in AlaskaLoy, Wesley
Oil Companies, Greens, Face off over Alaska Oil Little Oil That's Easily Produceable Remains to Be Found in the United States. the Last Hope for Major Discoveries Lies in Frontier Areas in Alaska and Offshore, Including the Deep Waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Series: POWERING THE US INTO...
【题目】Crud e oil () taken from fields in Alaska's North Slop e near Prudho e Bay is car ried by tub e to th e port of V aldez. From there it is shipped by tanker to th e West Coast of t h e United States. Just after midnight on Mar ch24, 1989,th e Exron V aldez,...
The oil company BritishPetroleum1has shut down apipeline2connecting the Prudhoe Bay oil fields in Alaska to the Trans-Alaska pipeline. The Prudhoe Bay field, north of the Arctic Circle, provides 8 percent of America’s oil production. It is the largest oil field in the United States. ...
the stores that do business with oil companies2.What makes the situation even worse in states like Alaska and North Dakota? E. The production costs there are higher. F. The government can do nothing about it. G. The oil drilling project can’t make a profit because of the low costs. ...
Activists say that the oil companies use a process called seismic blasting for deep-sea mining, which creates blasts that can be heard from miles away, and can register up to 250 decibels, causing many marine mammals to lose their hearing, which they depend on for navigation and communication...
and occidental petroleum did not comment. conoco is among the most active oil companies in alaska’s arctic, and secured a federal approval from the biden administration for its $8 billion willow project there in 2023, angering environmental groups. the u.s. drilling indu...
Discusses the sharing of federal and state revenues from mineral and oil leasing with the native population of Alaska. Competition between oil companies to acquire drilling rights in Alaska; Imposition of land freeze on unclaimed federal land in Alaska; Controversy between governor Walter Hickel and ...