Change the traditional tiring and boring oil replacement ways. With this tool, no dirty oil stained on floor. Quick change the brake oil, clutch oil, and the direction of the oil, become very simple. The simplicity of this tool allows brake bleeding to get done by one person easily. Unive...
But I have been trying to make the point for many years that global warming or climate change or whatever euphemism you decide on, is really just one side of the coin. The other side is the availability of fossil fuels to begin with. In simple terms, the earth is a finite hunk of ...
We still need to convey to the public that our theses are supported by the data, and connect it to the efforts under way around climate change and other issues that motivate the public. We are in a new economic period and must adapt our messages accordingly. Post Carbon Institute has gone...
And when the price of oil subsided in the 1980s, the political impetus for radical change evaporated. The foolhardiness of this short-sightedness has now come back to haunt the developed world in the shape of global warming. If the lessons of the 1970s had been properly heeded, even ...
But for about $3 million, the Persigo Waste Water Treatment Plant can install some equipment that can capture that gas, remove the smell and the carbon, and change it into compressed natural gas, ready for the fuel pump. ... Valentine says the city can produce CNG for the equivalent of ...