Coast Guard opening new facility in UP to research how to protect Great Lakes Research performed at the Coast Guard National Center of Expertise in Sault Ste. Marie will be critical to protecting the Great Lakes from oil spills. SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. (FOX 2)...
This November, voters in Michigan approved and passed Proposition 1, a Constitutional amendment to the Michigan National Resources Trust Fund that will change how revenue in the state's park-related funds can be spent. Changes include making projects to renovate recreational facilities eligible for gr...
Of course, a large change in methane would make things hotter, but methane does not reside in the atmosphere very long, so my WAG is that direct efforts to reduce man's CH4 emissions could offset some or all of the expected increase in the rate of emissions from natural sources. If you...
A second part of the story in the US, is the active policy to try to undermine unions and, more importantly, a big change in the income tax code to make it much less progressive over the last 35 years. As far as real GDP growth per capita, it has grown for the World based on IM...