Oil Prices Fall Boosted Red River DevelopmentNavigation Project has become more vital to people in the four states it serves because of the sharp decline in domestic oil prices, the president of the Red River Valley Authority said Sunday.U.S. Newspapers...
Questions emerged about whether Alberta's and Canada's environmental policies were prepared for this pace and level of resource development, especially in light of increasing global focus on climate change. Then, as it started to grow, the oil sands industry took a downward turn, a victim of ...
an English adventurer and a former military officer of theEast India Company, visited the territory in 1839 and aided the sultan in suppressing a revolt. As a reward for his services, Brooke was installed (1841) as raja of Sarawak over the sector from Tanjung Datu to the Batang (River) Sa...
As with any commodity, stock, or bond, the laws of supply and demand cause oil prices to change. When supply exceeds demand, prices fall; the inverse is also true when demand outpaces supply. The dramatic drop in oil prices in 2014 has been attributed to lower demand for oil in Europe...
The CPE triggered the humid paleoclimate, which lasted for approximately 1 Ma in the late Triassic, whereas the mega-monsoonal circulation commonly induced an arid-humid climatic change that lasted one year. The timescales of paleoenvironmental fluctuation caused by these two factors are clearly at ...
Methane is a substantial contributor to climate change. It also contributes to maintaining the background levels of tropospheric ozone. Among a variety of CH4 sources, current estimates suggest that CH4 emissions from oil and gas processes account for approximately 20% of worldwide anthropogenic ...
There was a one order of magnitude reduction after four years, which is similar to the average oiling change demonstrated by our results (Fig. 6). Our conclusion is that sites that were unoiled became contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons and from oil residues within two years. Further, ...
Suddenly my daughter, who’s seven, said, “You’re lucky you got to have your adulthood before the planet was completely destroyed by climate change.” I didn’t know this was on her mind. I hadn’t spent all that much time talking to her about it. And the worst part, somehow, ...
2015. Chemical composition and lichen community change in the AOSR. In Assessing Forest Health in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region— WBEA Report # 2015-05-25, 145–66. Fort McMurray, AB, Canada: Wood Buffalo Environmental Association. Puttaswamy, N., and K. Liber. 2012. Influence of ...
We can only hope that the change will be accomplished without turning NYC and Tehran into nuclear wastelands. Who knows what the folks who run the world think? If there hadn't been Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I might think this was all bluster. We have to take it on faith that the essential...