Harris, S.A. (1976) Fall River (`Dakota') oil entrapment, Powder River Basin. Wyoming Geological Associ- ation 31st Annual Field Conference Guidebook, pp. 147-164.Harris, S.A., 1976, Fall River ("Dakota") oil entrapment, Powder River Basin: Wyoming Geological Association, 28th Annual ...
Questions emerged about whether Alberta's and Canada's environmental policies were prepared for this pace and level of resource development, especially in light of increasing global focus on climate change. Then, as it started to grow, the oil sands industry took a downward turn, a victim of ...
Such a system would drastically change the financial system as the primary source of finance would then become either government (through taxes) or crowd funding. Money becomes a means rather than an end. Conclusion If energy was the driver of economic production over the last 200 years, the ...
In fall 2004, crude oil price differentials between WTI and California's heavier, and generally lower valued, crude oil rose sharply. GAO was asked to examine (1) the extent to which crude oil price differentials in California have fluctuated over the past 20 years and (2) the factors that...
Methane is a substantial contributor to climate change. It also contributes to maintaining the background levels of tropospheric ozone. Among a variety of CH4 sources, current estimates suggest that CH4 emissions from oil and gas processes account for approximately 20% of worldwide anthropogenic ...
The R2 value, which indicates the amount of the total change in the related variables, and is explained by a regression equation, was 0.91. The value demonstrated good confidence in the relationship. The results of this study suggested that both void content and water permeability were directly ...
[单项选择题]Oil paints are ()they have become the most popular painter’s colors. 关键词: painter popular paints A. so versatile and durable that B. so versatile and durable than C. such versatile and durable as D. such versatile and durable that ...
change (0.95) and scale efficiency change (0.97) are less than 1, indicating the efficiency of production activities and development scale decline in the process of high-quality development, and the average values of pure technological progress change (1.01) and technological scale change (1.09) ...
The CPE triggered the humid paleoclimate, which lasted for approximately 1 Ma in the late Triassic, whereas the mega-monsoonal circulation commonly induced an arid-humid climatic change that lasted one year. The timescales of paleoenvironmental fluctuation caused by these two factors are clearly at ...
change=n.改变,变化;零钱 channel=n.海峡;渠道;频道 chapter=n.章,回,篇 character=n.性格;特性;角色 characteristic=a.特有的 n.特性 charge=vt.索价;控告 n.费用 charity=n.施舍;慈善事业 charming=a.迷人的,可爱的 chart=n.图,图表;海图 chase=n.追逐,追赶,追求 cheap=a.廉价的;劣质的 cheat=vt.骗...