But remember: if each oil company settles out for ten million each, just to have the State "go away," then RI picks up 130 million just for filing some paperwork. Think of it as a troll tax; you travel over the bridge, and the bridge troll comes out from underneath and demands a ...
Ocean data The dynamical systems perspective Transport results Discussion and conclusions Change history References Acknowledgements Author information Ethics declarations Additional information Supplementary Information Rights and permissions About this article This article is cited by AdvertisementScientific...
In Journal of Physics: Conference Series; IOP Publishing: Bristol, UK, 2022; Volume 2356. [Google Scholar] Tempel, M.V.D. Stability of oil-in-water emulsions I: The electrical double layer at the oil-water interface. Recl. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas 1992, 72, 419–432. [Google Scholar] ...
Archival photo of Petrie's exhibition at University College London in 1911 showing the mummies and portraits from Hawara. In Finds from W.M.F Petrie's Excavations in Egypt on the Nu Carlsberg Glyptotek; ISD LLC: Bristol, CT, USA, 2011; Volume 9. 11. Cotte, M.; Checroun, E.; Susini...